Empresas Iansa’s Terrandes subsidiary obtains silver level in sustainability assessment under FSA standard

At the end of July, the Terrandes subsidiary of Empresas Iansa was evaluated with a silver level in its verification process of the FSA (Farm Sustainability Assessment) standard for sugar beet crops in 9 of the company’s own farms.

FSA is an agricultural sustainability assessment that allows food and beverage companies to improve their practices, evaluate themselves, make improvements and validate their agricultural initiatives linked to sustainability. For now, we started the audit with a certain number of cultivated areas, but we hope that in the future this scheme of work will be the standard for Empresas Iansa.

The topics measured were: Community and Agricultural Operation Management; Selection and Multiplication of Plant Material, Soil Management, Nutrient Management, Crop Protection and Integrated Pest Management; Waste Management; Water Management, Biodiversity; Air Quality and Emissions and Working Conditions. It should also be noted that 8 of the 10 topics measured obtained the highest score, which reinforces the company’s commitment to sustainability.

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