The electricity cogenerated from sugarcane is one of the most important energy sources within the energy matrix of the countries that produce it. This generates investments and quality employment. In addition, it prevents the emission of greenhouse gases, supports the production chain and contributes to increasing the energy security of the countries thanks to the supply of electricity that it represents in times of low rainfall.

From the sugarcane agroindustrial sector, we work to prioritize the efficient and responsible use of natural resources, especially water and land. For this reason, we develop projects and actions based on the circular economy, to reuse the stored energy of sugarcane in biomass, burning it in high-efficiency boilers to produce electricity.

The generation of electricity from sugar cane brings great benefits, among which we can mention:

  • Low environmental impact
  • Creation of new employment opportunities
  • It increases the country’s energy security, especially in times of drought
  • Reduces greenhouse gas emissions
  • Producers can earn carbon credits
  • Reduce power transmission losses
  • Reduces the need to invest in transmission centers, because it is generated near consumption centers
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